

Join our support team, or learn more about supporting our work with Paz International.

1 - Become a Monthly Financial Supporter

Support ongoing church planting with Paz Church Japan!

Learn How You Can Give

2 - Give a One-Time Gift

All financial support goes through our non-profit organization, PAZ International for maximum accountability and confidentiality.

Learn How You Can Give

Schedule a Discovery Meeting

Find out how your support changes lives. (Without being pressured.)

Send an email to my address below, we will find a good time to arrange a short, 30-45 minute video meeting.

We will talk about the work in Japan and church planting. Looking forward to sharing with you!

Give Online Today, Here's How:

  1. Click the "Become a Supporter" button to visit the PAZ International giving website to give a tax-deductible gift (in the US).
  2. Select "Monthly" to give a monthly recurring gift through PAZ International
    Select "One Time Gift" to give a one-time donation
  3. Select "Donation to"
  4. Select "Quant, Seth"
  5. Type in: First Name, Last Name, Email, & Donation Amount
  6. Click "Continue to Donate" and enter your credit card payment details

Giving securely by phone, check, or bank transfer is also an option.
Scroll down to the FAQ for details or send me an email -

Your Support is Handled With Care

Financial support goes through PAZ International to ensure maximum accountability and confidentiality.

PAZ International (Accredited Organization Profile) -

Feel free to check PAZ International's Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability profile.

Support FAQs

Who processes my support?

PAZ International, our non-profit missions sending organization in Apopka, Florida will process your support with care and dilligence. PAZ International remains a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

You will recieve a receipt from PAZ International for all donations given.

Is my support tax-deductible? 

Donations in the U.S. and Canada are tax-deductible.

Can I set up recurring support payments?

Absolutely, we offer three options for setting up recurring support payments:

Online -

  • For recurring payments, please select "Monthly"
  • Then proceed to enter your first and last name, your email, and the donation amount in US dollars.
  • On the next secure screen, enter your address, phone number and credit/debit card information over our Secure SSL encrypted webpage.

By Phone -

  • Talk to our staff directly to securely set up your payment by bank transfer or credit / debit card over the phone - +1 (309) 263-2299

By Check -

  • Write a check payable to Paz International with a note indicating, "Monthly Support for Seth Quant"

Send checks to:
PAZ International
PO Box 4327
Apopka, FL 32704
(309) 263-2299

What methods of giving do you accept?

We accept:

  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • Checks
  • Bank Transfers

If you would like to donate other things such as: equipment or airline miles please contact me directly. 👍🏻

Online -

  • For the payments, please select "Monthly" or "One-time"
  • Then proceed to enter your first and last name, your email, and the donation amount in US dollars
  • On the next secure screen, enter your address, phone number and credit / debit card information over our Secure SSL encrypted webpage.

By Phone -

  • Talk to our staff directly to securely set up your payment by bank transfer or credit / debit card over the phone -+1 (309) 263-2299

By Check -

  • Write a check payable to Paz International with a note indicating, "Monthly Support for Seth Quant"

Send checks to:
PAZ International
PO Box 4327
Apopka, FL 32704
(309) 263-2299

Is support raising Biblical?

Let's start with 1 Chronicles 29:14 - David here is referring to the generosity of his people when donating to the temple that Solomon will build. Part of that passage reads like this:

"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.

We understand here, that everything we have is not ours but a gift from God to use as he directs.

In Nehemiah chapter 1, we find Nehemiah greatly distressed at the condition of Jerusalem, this culminates with him praying and fasting earnestly to the Lord. With God's favor he then boldly asked King Artaxerxes (a non-believer and the major world leader of his day) for a significant material donation and permission to do the work restoration work God put onto his heart.

In Luke Ch 8:1-2 we are introduced to some of Jesus's disciples. Here we are given insight into how Jesus' own ministry was funded. Jesus was supported by precious gifts from faithful women who were his disciples and "many others."

God's miraculous provision for the needs of others is often Him giving though us.

Why doesn't the church pay you?

Currently, in Japan, a church of about 100 people is considered very successful. (We are working and praying to change this mindset.) Many churches are much smaller than that. A significant number of churches in the countryside even lack pastoral leadership.

The number of committed Christians in Japan (less than 1% of the population), while being generous, often cannot give enough as a group to support native pastoral staff while covering the other expenses like rent that ministries here require. Land and property values per square foot are prohibitively high in Tokyo and Kanagawa.

Currently our local missionary team at PAZ Church does not receive a salary from the church. Only our lead pastor receives a few hundred dollars from the church as a token salary for his excellent teaching and leadership. We are committed to growth through multiplying churches that serve all of Japan. We looking forward to paying our native Japanese pastors in our congregations first.

We are praying and looking forward to the day when all Japanese leaders in every denomination are able to receive full-time salaries for their critical work in pastoral leadership. As missionaries, we pay this blessing forward to a whole generation of Japanese believers.

Any other questions?

Feel free to ask.