Ever been bumped off a flight?

Ever been bumped off a flight?
Photo by alexey starki / Unsplash

Praise God, it's good to be home. It's almost been 10 days since my arrival in Japan, but who's counting. Still looking forward to my exodus from post-travel quarantine in two days.

A site could save your future flight.

Skiplagged resurrected my nearly-canceled Oct 21st trip into Las Vegas, Nevada. Some good ORU friends serve there, and the visit was to meet them. I will say LV, NV is a great place for ministry and a poor place for vacation.

After an out-of-left-field cancelation from United, I was desperately wracking my brain for a site I heard about four years ago. As you might guess, with 12 hours till departure, sky-high plane fares were the only options.

Skiplagged came up with low prices on my needed last-minute flights (including Southwest, which Google won't show these days.) Their most unique feature presents "connection flights" as destinations. It can score a significant fare reduction when you simply get off the plane "mid-itinerary." Still worth checking against Google Flights, but they compete pretty well with each other.

In case you're wondering, this isn't an affiliate link. ✈️

Back to business

Getting back into the swing of things, Choose Life is producing a new training course to encourage as many new faithful chat volunteers as we can over the next few months. Our first team of 8 future Life Group leaders just started their training in September over Zoom. We're excited to have our first (and only) paid staff member with Choose Life leading this training group. She has already led our Japanese Life Group for women over the last 6 months and is excited to help more. (Her testimony is epic, by the way, shoot me an email if you want to see it.) Please pray for us to have wisdom leading volunteers and counseling seekers needing deep healing.

Recently Read Wisdom

In my travels, I read part of G.K Chesterton's "What's Wrong with the World." I'm continuing to read Miracles, a massive 2 volume set slowly but surely.

"That is the one eternal education; to be sure enough that something is true that you dare to tell it to a child."
G.K. Chesterton - What's Wrong with the World
"Education is only truth in a state of transmission; and how can we pass on truth if it has never come into our hand?"
G.K. Chesterton - What's Wrong with the World
"Dartmouth professor Nancy Frankenberry points out 'how seamlessly the historical titans of the scientific revolution—Galileo, Kepler, Bacon, Pascal, and Newton—all devout believers to a man—could interrelate their Christian faith and their scientific discoveries.'"
Craig S. Keener - Miracles: 2 Volumes - p. 167​

Giving Tuesday is in a few weeks, but thank you for being generous all year!

I want to repeat thanks to you for your exceptional support. It was strongly felt during my visit through a whole lot of prayer and encouragement.

We have Japanese people contact us at Choose Life nearly every day that feel and hear Jesus' love for them. Last month through our chat and an explanation of the four spiritual laws, our volunteer Ron led a precious Japanese person online in prayer to follow Christ.

We do this together. If you or someone else you know wants to join us, anyone can partner financially here: https://pazinternational.org/donate/

Do you have any book recommendations?

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