Faith Food

Faith Food
Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam / Unsplash


In a word, this is the laser-point summary of my three-week trip in the US.

Many friends continue to pursue Jesus, pushing towards spiritual maturity and the service of others. Japan certainly isn't the only mission field. I'm delighted to hear the hearts of fellow Kingdom workers in the US. Regardless of the news you heard today or the apparent situation, the good news about Jesus is advancing all over the world.

If I haven't shown you in person yet, here is my 6-minute ministry summary video for 2020 & 2021. 😄


Being present with the people in front of us and engaged with our daily situation is a battle. Picking the right engagement at the right time is proper war these days.

Modern minds march towards our standing armies of mental checklists. All of the lists rank according to personal importance, just begging for attention.

Reminders and calendars and friends and advertisements and interests and relaxation are fighting for our time and attention. Let's not lose either the battle or the war. God gives wisdom generously without finding fault.

Recent Read + Faith Food

I'm simply suggesting that as we spend less time obsessed with some introspective search to identify our spiritual gift(s) and more time actually praying and giving and helping and teaching and serving and exhorting those around us, the likelihood greatly increases that we will walk headlong into our gifting without ever knowing what happened. God will more likely meet us with his gifts in the midst of trying to help his children than he would while we're trying to take a spiritual gifts analysis test.​
Sam Storms - Understanding Spiritual Gifts - p. 64 & 65

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