'22 in Review

'22 in Review
Photo by micheile dot com / Unsplash

Time flies; it’s been another great year to see God’s grace at work in Kawasaki City, Tama Ward.

Our Sunday services and recovery group programs took significant steps forward this year.

Thanks for helping us take these critical steps toward spiritual renewal and recovery in Noborito, Japan.

While we understand that “neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow” (1 Cor. 3:7), we aim to keep overhead low and be excellent stewards of the resources we have.

Having just reviewed our ’22 in Japan, here are some encouraging ways you helped us advance the church in Japan this year:

  • Graduated our first women’s Life Group (and are excited to start two more, including a Men’s group in 2023)
  • Trained a team of 4 faithful ladies to start as Life Group leaders in 2023
  • Welcomed two new loyal members into our Family Group
  • Produced and completed six new online courses for Paz Bible College
  • Started a monthly Prayer and Worship meeting for Young Adults
  • Solidified the plan and the team for our 2023 Hiratsuka Church Plant
  • Welcomed 192 visitors to our Sunday Worship services
  • Recently welcomed 101 visitors to our 3 Christmas Services!

Here is a salvation testimony from our Christmas service just this week!

“Y-san has been singing Gospel music in Japan for over 20 years.

Even though she heard the good news about Jesus, she never received it personally. She sang with a visiting Gospel choir this Christmas at our 3 pm and 5 pm services.

After hearing our Pastor Josiah preach on the unconditional love and acceptance of God, her heart opened to the good news. In tears, she finally understood and received God’s love. For the first time, she trusted in Jesus’s resurrection, understanding the true joy and heart of Gospel music.

Singing “Jesus! Jesus!” the Gospel choir brought joy and expressed our freedom in Christ. Joy fueled by witnessing the salvation of one more choir member. We’re confident she wasn’t the only one to meet Christ in the 5 pm service.”

We look forward to seeing God work more miracles of salvation and inner healing in Japanese lives. We celebrate these powerful stories of God’s faithfulness. It’s a big reason we still serve in Japan. So many here have never heard the good news about Christ.

A July testimony written by a thankful graduate of our latest Choose Life Group:

“Before starting Life Group, my day-to-day overflowed with frustration and anger. I didn’t know God. After the inventory, I crucified and buried my old self. Then I was able to forgive others. I took responsibility for making amends to others and began to make things right again. Praise God; now I am new. My son was an incredible blessing, and God entrusted him to me. The painful experiences of raising my oldest son have become a blessing that has enriched my life. Recently, my oldest son started a family, and our family has grown. It has been a joy for my family, bringing healing and restoration. God’s plan is amazing!”

Thank you for partnering with me, Paz Church, and Choose Life to offer Jesus’ hope, comfort, and healing. I am so grateful we work together to fulfill this expression of the Great Commission. With your help, we continue our work in Japan.

Our good God is faithful to provide in every circumstance. While I understand that giving situations change, please prayerfully consider giving to support our church planting and suicide prevention, especially as this year draws to a close.

In addition to ministry goals, I’d like to support a family in Japan someday too. Healthy Christian families are needed in many places worldwide; this is true in Japan. This means I’ll need to factor in the increased cost of living expenses into my budget.

Living with a family in one of the world’s largest, unreached cities is a significant but worthwhile expense.

As Redeemer City to City is quick to point out on its website:

By 2050, 68% of the human race will live in a city. How will you influence the future of cities for Christ?

We’re getting ready to plant as many churches as effectively and efficiently as possible with the Holy Spirit’s guidance in Tokyo, Kawasaki, and everywhere else in Japan.

In 2023, our ministry aims to:

  • Begin outreach and services with our church plant in Hiratsuka, Japan
  • Start two new Choose Life Recovery Groups, including our first men’s recovery group in Japanese
  • Multiply our family group into two healthy young adult groups
  • Continue our availability for suicide prevention and counseling chats online
  • Welcome and train missionaries for future Paz Church planting teams
  • Continue our engaging and contextualized in-person and online worship services
  • Provide regular discipleship and mentoring for new Christians
  • See more baptisms and people getting saved
  • Grow our Paz English Club outreach by adding monthly in-person classes

Your continued prayers and financial support toward these goals are deeply appreciated. Thank you!

The harvest is plentiful,
Seth Quant

Director of Choose Life
Church Planter with Paz International

Ways To Give:

Feel free to email me for more details anytime at seth.quant@pazchurch.com

For international donors:

You can give monthly or yearly support anytime through my site by clicking the green “support” or “subscription” button.

For donors in the USA or Canada:

If you would like to give online, select the “Quant, Seth” account on our Paz International website https://pazinternational.org/doe-en/

By Mail:
Mail a voided check with a separate written note with the following information:

  • Grab a sticky note or piece of paper
  • On the note, write “Designated for Seth Quant”
  • On the note, write “One-Time Donation”, “Monthly Donation”, or “Yearly Donation”
  • On the note, write your designated amount: ex. “$100”
  • Grab a check
  • Write “void” on the check and cross out the empty written sections; make sure your account and routing number are visible  
  • Grab an envelope
  • Send it to the following address:

PAZ International
PO Box 4327
Apopka, FL 32704

By Phone:
Call our US administrator Becky Joellenbeck at 309-263-2299

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Jamie Larson